
We would pleased to hear from you. If you wish to learn more about our work, want to know how to help, or have a query please email us at [email protected]

 or you can write or speak to one of the people below:


For further information about joining IMHCN as a member and website and newsletter contributions about your work:

Paul Baker
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +44 (0)7932 639 757

Further information on the work of IMHCN and how you can contribute to our work:

John Jenkins
Chief Executive Officer
Email : John Jenkins
Mobile: +44 (0) 7818 001 375
Further information about IMHCN Development work and joining as a member from Italy



Roberto Mezzina
Email: [email protected]



International Mental Health Collaborating Network Limited, 24 Weirside Place, Exeter, EX2 4BW, United Kingdom

Company Registration Number: 09053460

Registered Charity Number: 1165833

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