Whole Person, Whole Life, Whole System and Recovery Training
One Day Workshops
IMHCN has designed a programme of workshops based on the following tenets of change:
- Whole Person, Whole Life, Whole System and Recovery: Changing Our Thinking
- Whole Person, Whole Life, Whole System and Recovery: Changing our Practice
- Whole Person, Whole Life, Whole System and Recovery: Changing our System
These are in-house workshops for services, organisations and groups that wish to understand and develop these approaches. They are based on a series of structured learning programmes that have been provided sucessfully in the UK and internationally over the last five years. The workshops can be tailored to meet the needs of your service and are intended for groups of people who are working together alongside service users and family members. These workshops are participative and interactive and are facilitated by IMHCN consultants and special advisors from around the world. For more details contact John Stacey
Whole Person, Whole Life, Whole System and Recovery: Changing Our Thinking
Workshop 1: Introduction to Whole Person Recovery through a Whole Life Whole System Approach
Workshop 2: Whole Person Whole Life Whole Systems and Recovery
Workshop 3:Innovations in Mental Health Whole Life Whole System and Recovery from around the World
Workshop 4: Alternatives to Hospital Admission, Community and Residential Services
Workshop 5: The Role of NGO's and the Voluntary Sector in a Whole Life System Approach
Workshop 6: Improving the quality of life of people in institutions
Workshop 7: Faith and Spirituality
Whole Person, Whole Life, Whole System and Recovery: Changing our Practice
Workshop 1: Applying the Whole Person Recovery through a Whole Life Whole System Approach
Workshop 2: Reflective Practice: A supervision tool for the development of Whole Person Whole Life Whole Systems and Recovery.
Workshop 3: Knowing the person and working alongside the person.
Workshop 4: Responding to crisis using a Whole Person, Whole Life Recovery approach
Workshop 5: Innovations in practice “Psychosis”. Working with peoples experiences, beliefs and visions and voices
Workshop 6: Applying the Hearing Voices Approach
Workshop 7: Improving peoples life expectancy
Workshop 8: My Life and Personal Development
Whole Person, Whole Life, Whole System and Recovery: Changing our System
Workshop 1: Transformation of Services: Why and How?
Workshop 2: Developing a Whole Person, Whole Life, Whole System and Recovery Strategy Using Resources more effectively and efficiently
Workshop 3: Redesigning the workforce
Workshop 4: Changing the System through Creative Leadership
Workshop 5: Opportunities at a time of austerity