Making Mental Health a Global Priority

Conference: World Mental Health Day

Read Roberto Mezzina's article about the context for the conference here

Date: October 10th

Modality Hybrid: in person and virtual.

Place From the Hotel Palace Suite in Trieste, Italy (streamed live for a global audience)

Simultaneous interpretation

  • English

  • Spanish

  • Italian

Book your place here 

IMPORTANT: Those who attend in person and wish to hear the simultaneous interpretation should bring their mobile phones and headphones so they can listen to an interpretation in their language.

Hotel Palace Suite

Salón San Nicolò
Via San Nicoló 34 - Trieste TS, Italia


October 10, 2022 - 11:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. (Italy time)
Trieste, Italy

11.30 - 12.00
Opening Ceremony
Alberto Trimboli (Past President WFMH / AASM – Argentina)
Nasser Losa (President WFMH - Egypt)
Gabriel Ivbijaro (Secretray General WFMH)
Silvia Raggi (VP WFMH/AASM -Argentina)
Juan Carlos Fantin (Director WFMH / AASM - Argentina)
Roberto Mezzina (VP WFMH - Italy)
Gustavo Bertran (AASM - Argentina)
Gianfranco Trincas (DSM ASUGI - Italy)

12.00 - 13.00
Make Mental Health and Wellbeing a Global Priority

-Chairs: Silvia Raggi (AASM / WFMH Argentina) / Juan Carlos Fantin (AASM / WFMH Argentina)

- Gabriel Ivbijaro (Secretary General WFMH, UK)
- Nasser Losa (President WFMH, Egypt)
- Ingrid Daniels (Past President WFMH, South Africa)
- Roberto Mezzina (Vice President WFMH, Italy)

13.00 a 14.00 - Break

14.00 a 15.00
Deinstitutionalization: an ongoing challenge

Chair: Liliana Moneta (AASM / WFMH)
Chair: Roberto Mezzina (WFMH)

Rossana Seabra (University of San Paulo - UNESP, Brazil)
Julieta Calmels (Argentina, Secretary of Mental Health of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Andreja Rafaelic & Katarina Ficko (Ministry of Welfare, Slovenia)
Regina Bisikiewicz (President Open Dialogue Foundation, Poland)
Jan Pfeiffer (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Czech Government)

15.00 a 15.15 - Break

15.15 a 16.15
Human Rights and Mental Health: are they key for transformation today?

-Chairs: Pablo Fridman (AASM - Argentina) / Alberto Trimboli (WFMH-AASM)

Piero D’Ingillo (LASD, USA)
Daniele Piccione (Italian Parlament, Italy)
Gabriele Rocca (Italy, President WAPR)
Gisella Trincas (Italy, President UNASAM)

16.15 a 16.30 - Break

16.30 - 17.30
Community mental health services: are they at risk of regression?

-Chairs: Roberto Mezzina (WFMH - Italia) / Gustavo Bertran (AASM - Argentina)

John Jenkins (UK)
Silva Bon (Italy)
Sashi Sashidharan (UK)
Tim Kendall & Brendan Stone (UK)

17.30 - 17.45 - Break

17.45 - 18.45
The future of mental health in Italy. Open Assembly (Mental Health Forum)
Chair: Peppe Dell’Acqua (Italy)

Closing ceremony – Conclusions
Roberto Mezzina
Alberto Trimboli
Juan Carlos Fantin
Peppe Dell’Acqua

Finak remarks
Ledia Lazeri (WHO office for Europe)

International Speakers

(confirmed as of this moment)

Nasser Losa
Nasser Losa
Gabriel Ivbijaro
Gabriel Ivbijaro
United Kingdom
Alberto Trimboli
Alberto Trimboli
Silvia Raggi
Silvia Raggi
Roberto Mezzina
Roberto Mezzina
Juan Carlos Fantin
Juan Carlos Fantin
Ingrid Daniels
Ingrid Daniels
South Africa
Gustavo Bertran
Gustavo Bertran
Pablo Fridman
Pablo Fridman
Liliana Moneta
Liliana Moneta
Tim Kendall
Tim Kendall
United Kingdom
Rossana Seabra Sade
Rossana Seabra Sade
Gabriele Rocca
Gabriele Rocca
Gisella Trincas
Gisella Trincas
Silva Bon
Silva Bon
John Jenkins
John Jenkins
United Kingdom
Peppe Dell'Acqua
Peppe Dell'Acqua
Ledia Lazeri
Ledia Lazeri
Julieta Calmels
Julieta Calmels
Piero D'Ingillo
Piero D'Ingillo
Regina Bisikiewicz
Regina Bisikiewicz
Daniele Piccione
Daniele Piccione
Andreja Rafaelič
Andreja Rafaelič
Sashi Sashidharan
Sashi Sashidharan
Jan Pfeiffer
Jan Pfeiffer
Czech Republic
Katarina Ficko
Katarina Ficko
Gianfranco Trincas
Gianfranco Trincas
Brendan Stone
Brendan Stone
United Kingdom


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