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Research and Practice
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Publications (date ordered)
Research and Practice
Development of a Self-Assessed Consumer Recovery Outcome Measure: My Voice, My Life Sarah E. Gordon, Pete M. Ellis, Richard J. Siegert, Frank H. Walkey
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 2013, 40. Jg., Nr. 3, S. 199-210.
A report of the development of a self-assessed consumer recovery outcome measure by way of a consumer led and focused iterative process, informed by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.
The process began with a deliberately over-inclusive preliminary measure of 127 items, based on 12 presumptive domains derived from the recovery literature and consumer consultation, being piloted with over 500 mental health consumers.
The full 504 participant data set was randomly split into two discrete sets of 300 and 204 to provide one for the initial exploratory factor analysis and another (of
independence) for the subsequent confirmatory factor analysis and reliability estimation.
Analyses identified and confirmed (using the separate data sets) a robust factor structure, with 11 distinct and relatively independent factors (relationships; day-to-day life; culture; physical health; quality of life; mental health; recovery; hope and
empowerment; spirituality; resources; and satisfaction with services) underlying one substantial principal construct (that we refer to as consumer recovery). The measure was
refined to 65 items, between three and ten items for each of the 11 domains, the reliabilities for which are uniformly high.
Core Dimensions of Recovery: A Psychometric Analysis
Sarah E. Gordon, Pete M. Ellis, Richard J. Siegert, Frank H. Walkey
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research (2014) 41:535–542
Tools and Instruments (date ordered)
The Individual Recovery Outcomes Counter (I.ROC)
I.ROC is an Outcome Measurement tool created by Penumbra in order to measure the recovery journey of people who use our services.
Recovery is the realisation of a meaningful and fulfilling life in the presence or absence of any mental health problems.
I.ROC is a facilitated self-assessment questionnaire that seeks to measure recovery using our HOPE Model of wellbeing:
I.ROC consists of: 3 indicators for each of the 4 areas of HOPE that form the basis of the model of wellbeing. Each of the indicators has been validated as a factor linked to Recovery.
I.ROC is a quarterly facilitated self-assessment: people complete I.ROC in partnership with their worker/practitioner every three months.
For each of the 12 indicators the person is asked to think about how they have been doing on that indicator over the past three months, and provide a response based on a scale never-always (1-6).
Graphics and prompts are provided for each question to assist the person completing I.ROC and for the worker facilitating. (Comprehensive supporting guidance is available to staff that gives general guidance in relation to completing I.ROC, together with specific guidance relevant for each indicator.)
All 12 questions are therefore considered and responses for each indicator are recorded on an answer sheet. The answer sheet also has space to gather narrative for each of the indicators so significant events, thoughts, reflections, comments can be gathered.
“Tear off” I.ROCs allow the person to have an immediate graphic illustration of their own picture of recovery.
Results are then transferred to a secure
Recovery Star
The Recovert Star is being used by many Mental Health Trusts in the UK as a tool for optimising individual recovery and gaining the information to create recovery-focused Care Plan.
Service users set their personal goals within each area and measure over time how far they are progressing towards these goals. This can help them identify their goals and what support they need to reach them, and ensure they are making progress, however gradual, which itself can encourage hope.
The Star Chart is co-developed by the service user and the staff member in partnership and covers 10 life domains. These are:
- Managing mental health
- Self care
- Living skills
- Social networks
- Work
- Relationships
- Addictive behaviour
- Responsibilities
- Identity and self esteem
- Trust and hope
The Outcomes Star can also be used as a method of collecting quality and performance data (PROMs). In some regions, such as Manchester, it is also being used as a commissioning tool.
It is proposed that the Recovery Star becomes a standard assessment, monitoring and care planning tool within clinical teams.
Recovery Star and resources
The Mental Health Recovery Star is a key-working and outcomes measurement tool.
The Recovery Star tool developed by MHPF, with Triangle Consulting, worked with service users in 2008 it was recommended by the Department of Health New Horizons programme (2009), has been developed for use in adult services. As a key-working tool it enables staff to support individuals they work with to understand their recovery and plot their progress. As an outcomes tool it enables organisations to measure and assess the effectiveness of the services they deliver.
All MHPF member organisations can download the resource below free of charge. Log in to the MHPF website and under the Mental Health & Recovery Programme will be a Members only version of this page.
- Recovery Star User Guide – an introduction to the Recovery Star model for clients and workers, including a Star Chart and Star Action Plan (Star and Plan)
- Recovery Star Organisational Guide – key-worker guidance on use of the Recovery Star with clients; and senior staff guidance on implementation of the Recovery Star within a project, a group of projects, or the whole organisation
- Recovery Star Visual Resources – a set of communication aids to support use of the Recovery Star across any number of key-working settings: ‘Journey of Change’ recovery postcards; 10 dimensions of the Recovery Star postcards; Recovery Star visual resources posters
- Recovery Star Action Planning Worksheet
- Recovery Star IT system which allows organisations to complete their ‘Star’ online and analyse the data
- Consultancy support and training to implement the Recovery Star across organisations