- Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Whole Person, Whole life- Whole Systems Development May 2017 - ongoing
- Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board Action Learning Sets, February 2018 ongoing
- Cornwall NHS Mental Health Foundation Trust Community Mental Health Development and Tripartite Collaboration with Triste MHD and
- Cym Taf Unversity Health Board Action Leaning Set
- Czech Republic Action Learning Sets re development of community health centres and therapeutic communities
- Discovery Partners and Hearing Voices 3 Workshops in Carmarthen, Caldicote and Neath/Port Talbot, Wales, 2 workshop in St Albans. Hertfordshire and St Austell, Cornwall.
- Hertfordshire NHS Foundation Trust Community Mental Health Development
- Hywel Dda Health Board Transforming Mental Health Services and Action Learning Sets January 2017 - ongoing
- Poland
- Recovery House and Recovery Learning Community, Ongoing Development partnership with Mental Health Department, Trieste, Italy January 2017 ongoing
- Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Mental Health Trust Community Mental Health Development and Tripartite Collaboration Trieste Mental Heath Department and Cornwall NHS Mental Health Foundation Trust
Working with CENAT to provide training and consultancy
Czech Republic
Community Mental Health Centre Development
Collaboration with Tata Trust in Supporting psychiatric hospitals in Transition, India May 2017 ongoing
Good Practice Services: Promoting Human Rights & Recovery in Mental Health, Trieste, Italy, 23 - 26 September 2019
Community Mental Health Centre Development
Los Angeles County Mental Health Department Twinning Collaboration Agreement established in 2019
- Hywel Dda Health Board Transforming Mental Health Services and Action Learning Sets January 2017 - ongoing
- Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Whole Person, Whole life- Whole Systems Development May 2017 - ongoing 2018
- Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board Action Learning Sets, February 2018 ongoing
- Cornwall NHS Mental Health Foundation Trust Community Mental Health Development and Tripartite Collaboration with Triste MHD
- Recovery House and Recovery Learning Community, Ongoing Development partnership with Mental Health Department, Trieste, Italy January 2017 ongoing
- Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Mental Health Trust Action Learning Set
- Collaboration with Tata Trust in Supporting psychiatric hospitals in Transition, India May 2017 ongoing
- Recovery House and Recovery Learning Community, Ongoing Development partnership with Mental Health Department, Trieste, Italy January 2017 ongoing
Workshops in Brazil re. New Approaches to Mental Health
Los Angeles County Mental Health Department Twinning Collaboration Agreement established in 2019
- Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board, Developing Community Mental Health Centres, Conway, North Wales, 12th October 2017
- Whole life, Whole person-Whole System Symposium with Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board, Lllandudno, Wales, 19th September
- Public Health Wales/Betsi Cadwaladwr University Health Board 1000 Lives Programme Workshop, Wrexham, 12th September 2017
- Presentation on Recovery House and Learning Community at Refocus on Recovery 2017, Nottingham Conference Centre, 18th - 20th September 2017
- Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Crisis House/Sanctuary House Workshop, Newport, Gwent, 8th September 2017
- Whole Person, Whole Life - Whole System International Conference, Cardiff organised jointly with Public Health Wales, 18-19th July 2017
- Public Health Wales, Leaders Collaborative, 27th June, Cardiff, Wales
- Hywel Dda Health Board, Transforming Mental Health Services January 2017 - ongoing
- Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Whole Person, Whole life- Whole Systems Development May 2017 - ongoing
- Community Mental Health Team Development Workshop, Betsi Cadwaladwr University Health Board, St. Asaph, North Wales, 28th April 2017
- Action Learning Set Programme for Aberystwyth, Hywel Dda Health Board, September 2016 - ongoing
- Whole Life Whole System Symposium, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Newport, Wales, February 2017
- Recovery College Workshops, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust & Cornwall College, 2nd February 2017, 27th April and 2nd November 2017
- Tesito House Trauma Informed Care Development and Whole Person, Whole Life Development, Alternative Futures Group, Manchester, March 2017 - ongoing
- Plymouth Mental Health Network Workshop, Plymouth Mental Health Network, Plymouth, England, January 2017
- 2nd York Whole Person, Whole Life, Whole System, Mental Health -- A Time for Change Symposium, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Trust, England, 20th January 2017
- The Right and Opportunity to have a Whole Life, International Conference, Trieste, Italy, 15th - 18th November 2017
- Twinning Collaboration, Study Visit and Conference Planning, Trieste Health Authority and Hywel Dda Health Board, Trieste, Italy, May 2017
- Recovery House and Recovery Learning Community, Ongoing Development partnership with Mental Health Department, Trieste, Italy January 2017 ongoing
- Workshops in Brazil re. New Approaches to Mental Health (in Curatiba and Rio de Janiero) August 2017
- Basaglia International School in Marilia and Campinas with the Federal University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil
- First National Hearing Voices Congress, Rio de Janeiro, November 2017. New Approaches Workshops in Fortaleza and Salvador
Czech Republic
- Transforming Mental Health in the Czech Republic Conference and Workshops, Czech Ministry of Health, Prague, Czech Republic, April 10th - 11th April
- Collaboration with Tata Trust in Supporting psychiatric hospitals in Transition, India May 2017 ongoing
- Action Learning Set Programme Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Local Health BoardBMU, Wales, January - April 2016
- Action Learning Set Programme Plymouth Community Healthcare, England, January - March 2016
- Action Learning Set Programme, Hywel Dda Health Board, Wales, January - May 2016
- York Symposium, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Trust, England, April 2016
- 10th Hertfordshire Recovery Conference, Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, Stevenage, England, 10th October 2017
- Action Learning Set Programme Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Trust, England, April - December 2016
- Symposium and Action Learning Set, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, May - November 2016
- Action Learning Set Programmes in Ceredigion, Hywel Dda Universtiy Health Board, September and November 2016
- New Approaches to Mental Health, Workshops in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Rhttps://www.icloud.com/pages/0TcAoWRuFLEE3dR-HIbddtgdA#Los_Angeles,_Trieste,_IMHCN_Twinning_collaboration_3ecife, Marilia, Campinas, hosts: CENAT, iPub, May, 2016
- New Approaches to Mental Health, Workshops in Porte Alegre, Curitiba, Imperatriz, Sao Paulo, hosts: CENAT, iPub, November, 2016
Czech Republic
- Mental Health Workshop, Bohnice Hospital, Prague, June 2016
- 8th World Hearing Voices Congress, INTERVOICE, Paris, France, 19th - 22nd September 2016
- Recovery House and Recovery Learning Community, Ongoing Development partnership with Mental Health Department, Trieste, Italy January - December 2016
- Twinning Collaboration, Trieste/ABMU: Study Visit, July 2016
- THINK-TANK Conference "CROSSROADS OF CHANGE" IMHCN/Trieste Mental Health Department, Trieste, Italy, October 2016
- Psychiatric Hospitals In Transition Alliance IMHCN/Trieste Mental Health Department, Trieste, Italy, December 2016
- Conference and Workshops on the Whole Life, Whole System Approach, Permai Hospital Permai Jalan, Johor Bahru, April 2016
- Workshop on Mental Health Transformation, Mental Health Ombudsman and Open Dialogue Convention, Warsaw, August 2016
- International Mental Health Conference, Murcia, Spain, May 2nd - 3rd, 2016
- Action Learning Set Programme, IMHCN, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, January - June 2015
- Action Learning Set Programme, IMHCN, Plymouth Community Healthcare (CIC), June - March 2015
- Health And Wellbeing, Community Action Learning Set Programme Horizons/Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Trust, Swindon, Eldene, Swindon, June - October 2015
- Whole Life Whole Systems Workshop, IMHCN, Horizons Swindon, Eldene, Swindon, 30th January 2015
- Whole Life Whole Systems Strategy, IMHCN, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, January (ongoing) 2015
- Hertfordshire Conference New Approaches for Acute and Crisis Services 16th June 2015
- Hearing Voices Approach Training, Campinas, Brazil, 19th March - 1st April 2015
- International School and Symposium, Person Centred Services, IMHCN, Lyngby Municipality, Lyngby, Copenhagen, 16th and 17th April 2015
- Whole Person Whole Life Recovery Community Approach Workshop, Trieste, Italy, 7th - 8th April 2015
- Twinning Collaboration: Whole Person, Whole Life - Whole Systems, IMHCN,Hywel Dda University Health Board,AAS n . 1 Trieste, Launches, 12th May 2015
- Action Learning Set Programmes, International Aid Network, IMHCN in Belgrade, Serbia in February - March 2015
- Substance Abuse and Whole Life Needs, IMHCN, Carmarthenshire County Council, March 2015
- Children and Young People and Hearing Voices Approach, IMHCN, Hearing Voices Network Cymru, March 2015
- Action Learning Sets Programme, IMHCN/Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board, January - December 2015
- San Paulo University: Franca and Franco Basaglia International Summer School, Campinas- São Paulo – Brazil, September 9th – 13th, 2014
- USP Campus, Ribeirao Preto: Conference on Community Mental Health, September, 2014
- Whole life Whole System Strategy Development: Service User and Family Participation Workshops, IMHCN/Cornwall Partnership NHS Trust, February - March 2014
- IMHCN Relaunch and Symposium, IMHCN/Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, March 2014
- Liverpool, Alternative Futures Group/IMHCN Whole Life Whole Systems Conference, 16th May 2014
- Symposium on Whole Life Needs of the People of Cornwall, IMHCN/Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, September 2014
- Action Learning Set Programme, IMHCN/Plymouth Community Healthcare (CIC), June - December 2014
- Action Learning Set Programme, IMHCN/Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, December 2014
- Workshop on Whole Life – Whole Systems, Trieste SIEP-X1 Congress, 12th – 14th June 2014
- Franca and Franco Basaglia international School, Trieste, 9th - 12th December 2014
- Recovery into Practice 2 day workshops, Johor Bahru, 2014 Mental Health Convention, Permai Hospital Permai Jalan, Johor Bahru, 24 – 26th April 2014
- Conference: International Aid Network/IMHCN/Trieste Health Agency, Vojvodina, Serbia, July 2014
- Action Learning Set Programmes in Novi Sad in July 2014 and Belgrade, Serbia in November 2014
- Whole Life Whole Systems IMHCN/West Wales Action for Mental Health (WWAMH)/Abertwe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board/Hywel Dda University Health Board, Botanic Garden of Wales. October 30 – 31, 2014
- South and West Wales Action Learning Sets, IMHCN/West Wales Action for Mental Health (WWAMH)/Abertwe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board/Hywel Dda Health Board. October 2013 to December 2014