First Term May-July 2022: Transforming Mental Health Services
1. Whole Person, Whole Life-Whole System Approach
14.00 - 16.00 (UK time), Thursday 5th May 2022
Over many years in developing community mental health services to replace the institutional system in the UK and a few other countries, the IMHCN recognised that we needed a more fundamental approach to ensure better mental health outcomes for service users and family members.
The social determinants were not adequately addressed so people’s whole life needs were not met. Therefore, in 2000 in NIMH(E) and IMHCN introduced the Whole Life-Whole System Approach. It is a strategic planning and implementation instrument to integrate and develop together the;
Social determinants of Health and Mental Health
Anthropological, Meaning and Culture
Philosophical: Challenging beliefs; Reflection and Dialogue
Whole Life, Recovery/Discovery Paradigm, Changing Thinking
Whole Systems: comprehensive community mental health services and development
Biological, clinical approach
Psychological therapies and psycho-educational tools
Education and Knowledge
Sharing and Learning from International best practice
This webinar will describe this approach and the results of its implementation in different places and organisations.
Who should attend?
Managers, professionals, service users, family members, Community Organisations
Duration 2 hours online Webinar via Zoom
Facilitators: John Jenkins, Paul Baker (IMHCN)
2. Learning from the Trieste Mental Health Experience : Developing the essential ingredients in creating a viable and resilient community mental health system
14.00 - 16.00 (UK time), Thursday 19th May 2022
This webinar is focused on the principles, practice that underpinned the structure of a progressive mental health system and service developed over the last 40 years.
Essential elements & components of the experience include:
human rights, recovery and social inclusion, citizenship, holistic care
Developing a methodology for a whole system / network of community services and social capital
Developing a 24 hour CMHC and crisis approach
Specific programs:
Establishing social cooperatives / enterprises
Personal budgets and supported accommodation
Gender approaches and programs
Youth Services
Micro areas: social capital and community development
Example of successful implementation
Trieste Department of Mental Health, IMHCN and local Cooperatives and Family Associations
Who should attend?
Organisations and people interested including learning about the details of the Trieste Mental Health Services and those that are implementing what has been learnt.
Duration 2 hours online Webinar via Zoom
Facilitators: Roberto Mezzina, Pina Ridente, Renzo Bonn, Peppe Del Acqua (Trieste, Italy)
3. Change the Thinking, Practice and Systems: The Use of Action Learning Sets
14.00 - 16.00 (UK time), Thursday 9th June 2022
This webinar is aimed at challenging powerful hierarchies that perpetuate outdated thinking. We will describe a successful participatory approach through Action Learning sets that have been used in several places. This has been useful in transforming mental health, gaining widespread ownership in changing the practices and systems. Culture change through active and meaningful participation including leaders is a key success factor. This has been implemented in Aneurin Bevan University Health Board; Hywel Dda University Health Board, Wales; Tees, Esk and Weir NHS Trust, England and in Belgrade, Serbia; Trieste, Italy; Johor Bahru, Malaysia; Auckland, New Zealand and Sydney, Australia.
Who should attend?
It is recommended to organisations who wants to develop a critical mass for change, non just operating top-down but also bottom-up. It should complement or anticipate other modules
Managers, professionals, service users, family members, Community Organisations
Duration 2 hours online Webinar via Zoom
John Jenkins and Paul Baker (IMHCN)
4. Integrating Mental Health into Primary Health Services
14.00 -16.00 (UK time), Wednesday 22nd June 2022
The benefits of integrating mental health into primary healthcare are significant. On the one hand, integration ensures that the population as a whole has access to the mental healthcare that they need early in the course of problems and without disruption. On the other hand, when people receive treatment in primary healthcare facilities the likelihood of better health outcomes, and even full recovery, as well as maintained social integration is increased.
Examples of successful implementation
Livewell Southwest, Plymouth
Ministry of Health, Palestine
Duration 2 hours online Webinar via Zoom
Sara Mitchell, Plymouth, UK,
Rajiah Abu Sway, WHO, Palestine
5. Recovery/Discovery Houses and Communities San Giacomo, Trieste, Italy:
14.00 - 16.00 Wednesday, 6th July 2022
This webinar will consider the ways in which the needs of people with severe and enduring needs can be supported through the creation of recovery/discovery spaces and through their community of peers, family and workers.
We will discuss the establishment of the recovery house and community in Trieste. The Recovery Community supported the work of the Recovery House by creating a democratic and reflective space based on the principles of ‘nothing about us without us’. The focus was on creating a space of self-determination, shared responsibility and ownership including family members.
Example of successful implementation
Trieste Department of Mental Health (Italy) with IMHCN and local Cooperatives and Family Associations
Who should attend?
Managers, professionals, service users, family members, Community Organisations.
Organisations considering the need to change their rehabilitation and residential care services toward more dynamic and therapeutic approach to improve the lives of people using their whole community.
Duration 2 hours online Webinar via Zoom
Facilitators: Paul Baker (IMHCN), Thais Thome, Fabio Musco, Michele Sipala, Nicola Zulian, (Trieste, Italy)