2nd York Whole Person, Whole Life, Whole System, Mental Health Symposium in York, England

Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust/International Mental Health Collaborating Network (IMHCN)
Whole Person, Whole Life - Whole System Mental Health Symposium - A Time for Change

The symposium brought service users, carers and the community together, to lead the thinking and to help in moving things forward.

Since the first symposium was held in April 2016 there has been considerable progress towards developing a shared vision for Mental Health in York & the region. This has being developed through strategies led by the Care Commissioning Group, Local Authorities and others.

Action Learning Set Members Report to the Meeting

In parallel, a small group of service-users, carers, health & social care staff and members of the community, have been meeting in a Action Learning Set. This groupreflected on three themes:  working alongside the person; understanding the person’s whole life in the context of their networks and the social determinants within the wider system.

This follow-up Symposium, further promoted a joined up approach to mental health by launching an overarching, independently chaired, mental health network for York and the region.

It also considered:

- feedback from the action learning set members

- reviewed experiences and innovative approaches in other cities and regions

- considered how appropriate national and regional developments such as personal health budgets, integrated personalised commissioning, and the sustainability and transformation plan can best support the mental health needs of the community;

We shared our ideas, plans and strategies, and considered how best these can be integrated and implemented to move closer to a shared vision for mental health and well-being. We focussed on engaging and empowering the community to support and celebrate mental health rather than stigmatising it, as it very much remains “everybody’s business”

Dr Roberto Mezzina, the Director of Mental Health in Trieste, talked in more detail about how they made the changes that led to the international recognition that they have since enjoyed. An important part was their use of personal health budgets to develop community pathways. He is very keen to support us further and one suggestion is that we might enter a twinning collaboration with Trieste, to support mutual learning.

With key leaders attending, including Rachael Maskell, the local member of parliament, there was a focus on working together, to create a whole person, whole life, whole system approach for York and Region. This aligns well with both organisational and national strategies, including the drive towards integration and accountable care.

You can read the presentations given at the meeting by clicking on the title:

The Trieste Whole Life-Whole System Experience: How was it developed, how does it work and what are the outcomes? 

Dr. Roberto Messina, Director, Trieste Mental Health Department, Italy

Personalisation and and Choice

Nicola Kay (NHS England)

Working with & for the community to support mental health

Emma McKenzie (TEWV/York St John)

The Clinical Commissioning Group Mental Health Strategy & What is the Sustainability Transformation Plan in Plain English?

Elaine Wyllie (VoY CCG)

Working towards a suicide-safe community

Andrew Chapman (CYC)


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