Electronic copies of presenting materials
PDF copies of the presenting slides below.
Day 1
Aidan Fowler: Drivers for change
Roberto Mezzina: Italian experiences of a 'Whole life-Whole system' approach
Julie Denley: Whole person, whole life
Tom Alexander & Maggie Nicols: Whole system approach
Chris O'Connor & Karen Morgan: Acute and crisis services
Jayne Whitney: How recovery philosophies have changed services in Neath/Port Talbot
Helen Smith: Whole service transformational change
Jess Lievesley: Supporting recovery - great people, great relationships, great outcomes
Stephen Wright, Ros Sevage & Ruth Lambley: Restoring the legacy
Kathryn Walters & Benna Waites: Developing a model for acute & crisis care
Julie Denley: Developing a whole system model
Roberto Mezzina: Trieste in detail
Peter George: Pathways to community living in New South Wales, Australia
Jan Pfeiffer: Europe, East and West. Common goals and differences
Padraig O'Beirne: Moving towards a whole system approach
Tasneem Raja: A people centric approach to bridging the treatment gap for priority mental health conditions in India
Regina Bisikiewicz: The reform of Mental Health in Poland
Day 2
Johor Bahru: No restraint on seclusion
Michael Holland: Transforming the system
Renzo Bonn: Team working in community based mental health
Paul Baker: Discovery houses
Norhamezza Ahmad Badruddin: Task shifting in Malaysia
Rosafiaizah Rahmat: Supported employment programme in Malaysia
Jan Batty: A nature based health service in West Wales
Cory Isham: Teisto House
ABUHB: Support Plus: service for adults with learning disabilities and mild to moderate mental health needs
Chris Underhill: Developing a community based model for Mental Health Care: South and North
Dom Bird: Quality improvement capability training
Alberto Salmoiraghi: Trauma informed care approach
Nick Rowe: Converge, creating a healing campus
Anna Burhouse: Co-producing quality improvement |