New Recovery Action Learning Community established in Trieste, Italy

At the begining of this month (May 2015) seven people from Trieste began their whole life recovery journeys. This initative is based around the establishment of a Whole Life Whole Person Recovery Action Learning Community and a Recovery House.

The Recovery Action Learning Community is made of 60 people. At the centre are the seven people, their families, friends and social networks supported by the Trieste Mental Health Department, the Trieste Family Association, The Germana Housing Cooperative and individual mental health workers. This group was formed as a result of two workshops held in April where the values, principles and aims of the new community were discussed and agreed.

The Recovery House is where the seven people will live and work together for six months in determining their individual recovery journeys and the steps they will take to reach their desired goals.

Paul Baker, John Jenkins and Roberta Casadio from IMHCN are acting as external consultants over the next six months to support the establishment and development of the community.



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