Recovery in Acute Settings Symposium, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, 16th June 2015

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Reflective Team share their thoughts and ideas

IMHCN in partnership with IMHCN Founder Member organisation, Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust held a one day workshop in Hatfield, Herfordshire on the 16th June 2015. The Symposium discussed alternative whole life recovery approaches in meeting the needs of people in crisis and in acute hospital settings.

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Over 60 people including service useres, family members and mental health workers attended this successful and lively event.

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Alison Ryan, Head of Recovery and Psychological Services, HFPT and John Jenkins, CEO, IMHCN

The symposium was opened by Tom Cahill, the CEO of Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and three themes were explored during the day:

  • Alternatives to Admission
  • Recovery Practice in Acute Settings
  • A Whole Systems Approach to Acute and Crisis service

10 Presentations were made by service users, family members and workers from Hertfordshire, England; Hwel Dda Health Board and ABMU in South West Wales; The Trieste Health Agency in Italy and Lyngby Mental Health Services in Copenhagen, Denmark. The presentations sentations will be available to view shortly on our Youtube Channel.

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Jorn Eriksen, Manager, Lyngby Mental Health Services: Research into Practice

Each theme was concluded with a Reflective Team selected from the participants who considered the implications and issues that arose from the presentations.

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