Study Visit and International School Open Day: Good Practice in Mental Health Services
Change the thinking, the culture and the practice
Facilitated by Slotsvaegets Lyngby and The IMHCN
Hosted by: Slotsvaengets Lyngby Taarbaek Municipality Copenhagen
16th and 17th April 2015
The IMHCN facilitated a study visit to Slotsvaegets Lyngby that included members of IMHCN, representatives from; Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board (ABMU) and Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
Day one: A study visit to Slotsvaenget visiting and having presentations about the services:
Overview of the Danish Mental Health system presented by Jorn Eriken followed by an Overview of mental health services in Wales presented by Ed Roberts Deputy Chairman ABMU Board.
The group were introduced to the Slotvaengets services as a relationship based organisation and how it is organised from a service users perspective. Information and discussions with Slotvaengets workers provided examples and opportunities to discover more about the Relationship circles and Reflecting teams.
A example of service user creativity was provided by Mikkel Schunck performing a moving performance of one of his compositions.
Other topics discussed: Qualified peer workers- from jobs designed for people with lived experience to highly qualified workers with double competencies.
Working with Dreams and Creativity towards recovery.
The guided tour provided an opportunity to see the transformative and innovative services and talk to the mental health workers involved. Members of the study visit were enthusiastic about the Crisis Service and how the how relationship based services were implemented with the relationship circles and are discussing how these approaches can be implemented in their organisations.
The day concluded with a discussion regarding developing a three partner twinning collaboration involving Slotsvaegets, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board (ABMU) and Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
Day two: International School Open Day Good Practice in Mental Health – Changing the thinking, the culture and the practice.
The event was hosted by Lyngby-Taarbaek Municipality.
The day included:
Presentation Recovery in Acute settings in Hertfordshire England, describing the development of services that support individuals recovery. Including host families and the restructuring of service delivery. Alison Ryan Director of Recovery Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Trust.
Discussion and presentation Reflecting and learning together with the person in the centre, dialogical approaches to recovery. An informative and engaging discussion on the person centred approach and reflections on how and challenges of implementing this approach in the UK. Bodil Oster Head of Development, Slotsvaenget and Olga Runciman, Psychologist, Slosvaenget.
Presentation Changing the Culture in an in-patient Unit in Neath Wales. The presentation described the culture and practice changes in the Unit the opportunities, challenges and future developments. This was followed by discussions regarding implementing services based on the Slotsvaenget approaches in the UK where the services are predominantly risk adverse. Jayne Whitney Ward Manager Malcolm Byrne Activities Organiser Ward F ABMU
Presentation Psychotropic medicine, insight and empowerment. A stimulating thought provoking presentation discussing the personal effects of medication, the evidence that questions the use of psychotropic medicines and how individuals can be empowered to take control of the medicines prescribed for their use. Bertel Rudinger, Pharmacologist, Slotsvaenget.
Presentation Acute care in mental health, crisis as a social service in the community. The presentation described the foundation beliefs of the service and its accessibility twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. An open access service based on the individuals in crisis needs being met with a none medical social approach. This again provoked discussion regarding providing this type of open access service in the UK. Jens Hjort Andersen, Slotsvaenget.
Presentation Advocacy, human rights and family involvement. A heart felt presentation regarding empowerment, personal journeys, advocating for individuals and groups of disempowered people. Lilly Bidmead, Swansea Patients Council.
The day was concluded with an open reflection on the day and how the learning from the visit and discussions can influence the development of practice and services.
Following the visit there is a commitment to develop a three partner twinning collaboration between ABMU, Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Trust and Slotsvaenget Lyngby.