Network member HPFT have a number of initiatives to promote recovery oriented practice in their acute settings.
They have two inpatient wards where they are trialling strategies to reduce the use of restrictive practice and actively promoting specific recovery oriented practice. This is a co-produced and co-delivered initiative called Making our Services Safer. Service users in our rehabilitation services are guiding their own ward reviews and CPA meetings. They are continuing to develop the use of alternatives to admission through our Host Family options across the county and our two Assessment and Day Treatment Services which provide an alternative to admission. They have recovery leads across all of their teams in our acute settings Some people who have experienced being in acute services are working with our staff to make a video on what the conversations are that underly a recovery oriented care plan.
And finally, coming back to the whole area of preventing people from needing admission in the first place, they are working with a wide range of partners across Hertfordshire to raise awareness, break down stigma and prevent suicide - Spot the Signs and Save a Life