We held a Webinar for UK and Ireland Trusts and Health Boards on Thursday, 21st January 2021 to learn from each other and to collaborate with each other in supporting future developments.Trusts and Boards in the UK and Ireland, members of IMHCN have been working on transforming their mental health services. Other members expressed the need to reform services founded on the social determinants of mental health, social inclusion and developed though co-production and implementing recovery values.
Covid - 19 and its effects on mental health have highlighted the importance of changing mental health services to better meet the needs of people. The IMHCN with international and national Partners have developed an Action Plan, Big issues identified by Covid-19 Requiring Fundamental Change in Mental Health (see attached).
The idea is to strengthen the collaboration between us and take forward some initiatives, based on the Big Issues in the Action Plan but also themes and issues you think are important to your services and practices.
This event was previously planned to be as a seminar on transforming mental health services before Covid-19 appeared. The impact of Covid-19 has increased the importance of tackling the need for fundamental change. Presentations included the following:
Transforming Mental Health: Lessons from Covid-19: the need for fundamental Change in Mental Health Services in UK and Ireland Webinar
Fettle House Rehabilitation Service Reflection & Feedback on Covid Response, Cornwall NHS TrustDownload