Transforming Mental Health Services
This transformation requires a fundamental change in thinking about mental health through a comprehensive review of current services and practices.
We need to act upon the clear evidence that social determinants (link) play a fundamental part in the lives of people with mental health issues.
Research (link) has shown that people with mental health problems have experienced difficult and challenging life situations. This has led them to require mental health services which do not address their whole life needs
The dominant clinical response today does not acknowledge or address the importance of social determinants in the current service model.
The consequence of this is that life circumstances such as, poverty, inequalities, systemic racism and discrimination are not systematically addressed.
The IMHCN believes that we must prioritise community service development through a Whole Person, Whole Life - Whole System, Strategic Approach (link)
However, many Mental Health Service Organisations, practitioners are recognising the need to transform their mental health system and are supporting IMHCN in the need for change.
Covid - 19 has highlighted the urgent need to act now.
We are building a network of people and organisations committed to make this transformation a reality.
Join us in this mission?
For more information email John Jenkins
See the Big Issues and Action Plan below.