Monday, 31st August 2020
h 10,00-13,00 CET (Rome)
A Zoom Round Table Webinar
Register in advance for this webinar:
or you can view on YouTube via the ESOF2020 Festival on the day
Supported by:
- International Mental Health Collaborating Network
- World Federation for Mental Health
- Mental Health Europe
- European Community based Mental Health Service Providers (EUCOMS) Network
- World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation
- Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks (GAMIAN)
- and others
In the year we are celebrating the 40th anniversary of the death of Franco Basaglia, we are co-hosting a Round Table Webinar for the ESOF2020 Festival, in Trieste, Italy.
This event is for everybody concerned with meeting the whole lives needs of people with mental health issues. We believe that learning from the Coronavirus Pandemic and the last 50 years is a time for fundamental change.
We have embarked upon creating a coalition of international partners to address the need for citizen and community mental health to be at the heart of social-economic system thinking and service development.
This approach is based on understanding of the learnt resilience of our people during this pandemic and how the efforts of public bodies, (including health systems, civil society organisations, politicians and citizens) should better meet the whole life needs of people.
This important event is aimed at all people, including service users, family mental health professionals, NGO’s, policy makers and all stakeholders including citizens. The reason for this meeting is to grow support for out Action Plan and to call upon the wider international, national and local communities to promote this call for a paradigm change at this opportune time.
For further information about the contributors and the programme go here